NIT is now offering Driver's Education in Palmer!
Sign up for a full course, a few hours of training, or to just take your official driving test.
Our classes are designed to teach a new driver the skills needed to safely operate a vehicle and successfully pass a Class D road exam.
Length of Program: 6 Weeks
Format of Program
- Classroom/Theory
- AAA How To Drive - 8 Hours (taught in two 4-hour days)
- Alive at 25 - 4 Hours
- Practical Instruction - 8 hours behind-the-wheel, scheduled to fit student and instructor availability
Enrollment Requirements
- 14 years or older - student cannot take the road exam unless they are over the age of 16 and have held permit for more than 6 months
- Parent/Guardian Consent
- Valid AK Permit or license
Certifications & Qualifications
- Class D Road Exam (if student is over the age of 16 and has held permit for more than 6 months)
- Alive at 25 Certificate
- NIT Certificate of Completion
Program Description:
This program is designed for novice drivers, and provides the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully pass a Class D road exam. This course includes both 16 hours of theory/classroom and 8 hours of behind the wheel instruction.
Students must also log a minimum of 32 hours of practice drive time with a licensed driver outside of scheduled class time, be 16 years of age or older, and have held their class D permit for a minimum of 6 months.
Students that meet these requirements are eligible to take their class D road exam at the end of the program. Students that are not eligible will be given a practice exam or an equivalent amount of further training.
Tuition Breakdown
- AAA Student Manual
- Alive at 25 Student Manual
Topics Covered
Basic Vehicle Controls | Defensive Driving | Vehicle Readiness | Vision and Perception |
Rules of the Road | Managing Space | Risk Reducing Strategies | Basic Maneuvering |
Impaired Driving | Road Conditions | Right Of Way | Vehicle Functions and Malfunctions |
Total Cost: $900
For corporate driver's education trainings, click here.
To apply for the Driver's Education course click the apply now link below.
To schedule a driver's test only, or for questions, please contact us by phone or email.
Driver’s Education 3/17 – 4/25
NIT is now offering Driver’s Education! Designed to teach a new driver the skills needed to safely operate a vehicle and successfully pass a Class D road exam. Format of Program: Enrollment ...
Driver’s Education 4/28 – 6/06
NIT is now offering Driver’s Education! Designed to teach a new driver the skills needed to safely operate a vehicle and successfully pass a Class D road exam. Format of Program: Enrollment ...